Cupping is an ancient form of alternative medicine in which the therapist puts special cups on your skin for a few minutes to create suction, or a negative pressure. It is thought to improve the flow of energy in the body and facilitate healing.
People get it for many purposes, including to help with pain, inflammation, blood flow, relaxation, and well-being, and as a type of deep tissue massage. Cupping can greatly nourish the muscles, tendons, and ligaments.
• Joint pain from recent or past injuries
• Pain in the joints from arthritis or arthritic-like conditions
• Relieve pain that is often difficult to get with other methods
• Increase suppleness of stiff tendons, muscles, and joints. Great for muscular pain.
• Increases blood flow
• Relieve heat and inflammation that may be causing pain
• Break up adhesions
• Clear stagnant qi, lymph, and blood, allowing better qi flow which improves pain overall
• Stretch stuck and bound up fascia and connective tissues
• Affect conditions that are deep in the body (4 inches or more)
• Tones skin and breaks up cellulite, naturally clears skin
• Detoxify the body by releasing toxins that are causing degradation of the joints (arthritis) so the joints can heal. This can even result in weight loss.
• Relieve symptoms of cold and flu
• Release and drain fluids that are stuck in an area, promoting better lymph circulation
• Sedate an overactive nervous system
• Reduces stress/stress-related pain and anxiety and promotes relaxation
• Chronic Injuries